10 of the best True Crime YouTube Channels to watch

10 of the best True Crime YouTube Channels to watch

If you love true crime but fancy watching something instead of getting your fix by reading, don’t worry, I won’t judge you. Instead, I would like to share some of my favourite true crime YouTube channels that help to put the laughter in manslaughter and the thrill in crime thriller.

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Five True Crime Podcasts that you need to listen to

Five True Crime Podcasts that you need to listen to

Sarah Hughes normally writes about all things happy and wonderful on her own site, but this isn’t her site. In fact, she is here to indulge in her fascination with murder most foul and the podcasts that she thinks are the best. Here are five podcasts that you need to listen to right now.

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Fred and Rose West

The West family appeared to be a normal married couple who lived at 25 Cromwell Road. Nobody thought that they would be any different from them. Under they realised that Fred and Rose West were responsible for the rapes and deaths of young women, including Fred’s daughter.

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Peter Sutcliffe || The Yorkshire Ripper

The Yorkshire Ripper

The Yorkshire Ripper is the name given to the serial killer, Peter Sutcliffe, a lorry driver who killed at least 13 women and attempted to kill seven others in England in the 1970s. He was arrested and given 20 life sentences in 1981.

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The Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia

The case of The Black Dahlia is one of the oldest unsolved cases in Los Angeles. The murder of a young woman was so horrific that the press nicknamed the woman “The Black Dahlia”. Elizabeth Short was 22 years old when she was found murdered. At first, she was thought to be a store mannequin that had fallen apart but the reality was that Short had been sliced in half at the waist and her blood drained.

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Jack the Ripper || The Whitechapel Murders

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper was a notorious serial killer in Victorian London. In 1888 the murders began and saw a string of deaths. Young women were stalked and brutally murdered in the East End of London by a mysterious figure who evaded capture. Officially the women who died during the spree were filed in a case called “The Whitechapel Murders”.

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